The law of Abundance is directly the opposite of the Law of Scarcity
Is there enough for everybody?. If you have more wealth does it mean that I will have less wealth.
Is it a zero sum game? Is the pie is only so much and that if you have more of the pie, will I have less of the pie?
If so, then is it true that if you are more healthy, I will be less healthy, after all there is only so much health available and if you have more health, I will have less health.
If we follow the argument of the fixed pie, then it means that if you have more wellbeing then I will have less wellbeing.
We all know that it is not true.
The human species is amazing. We are now using fossil fuels for our energy needs. And if we believe that fossil fuel is the only source of energy left for us, then it is possible that some people in power might invade another country and steal their fuel.
Before electricity was discovered, it does not mean that electricity was not not available. It was there all along. Electricity was not created. It was discovered.
And it is my contention that a different form of energy source is available right now, but mankind has not discovered the formula yet. Again, it does not mean that, we have to create this new source of energy fuel, we simply have to discover it.
The heat from the sun is a source of energy fuel.
Have you ever wondered what will happen to the oil companies if energy that is freely available from the sun can be harness for our needs? And what that will do to our idea of abundance?
Have you ever wondered if one day hydrogen can be a source of fuel, what that will mean to our idea of abundance?
Do we really do not have the ability to feed all the hungry in the world?
Can you imagine how much we can feed all the hungry in the world if every country stop spending money on defence, on creating nuclear bombs, on military research and on spending money on weapons of mass destruction?
Overnight, all the hungry in the world, in Africa, will be well fed.
We are a people at war with one another.
We have forgotten how to live in peace, to love our brother and sisters, that we are our brother's keepers, that the planet in our care right now is not just meant for us, but for our children's children.
We have forgotten how to see that we are all interconnected and that the welfare of one person is interdependent on another part of the world.
There is a story of a mouse who was in a farm. This mouse was eating food given by the farmer to a pig, eating food given by the farmer to a chicken, eating food given by the farmer to a cow.
The farmer decided to buy a mousetrap to trap the mouse.
The mouse was worried and asked the pig for help. The pig said that it is not his concern. The mouse asked the chicken for help. The chicken said that it does not concern him. The mouse asked the cow for help. The cow said that it is not his concern.
The next day, the mouse trap caught a snake. The farmer's wife tried to remove the snake from the trap but was bitten by the snake and became ill.
A neighbour suggested to the farmer to give chicken blood to his wife. So the chicken was slaughtered and the blood was given to the farmer's wife.
It was no use. The farmer's wife died.
A funeral wake was held and to feed the visitors, the pig was slaughtered.
More and more people came and finally the cow was slaughtered.
I believe you know the morale of the story.
That we are all connected.
A nuclear bomb was tested in the pacific. The earth trembles.
More fossil fuel is burnt. The Earth expereince global warming with floods and strange weather patterns.
A butterfly flaps its wings and another part of the world experiences turbulences.
If you have not watched the DVD "The Secret", I truly recommend you to watch. Inside this DVD is the secret to how you can create your reality and how we can create the abundance that we want.
Go to www.thesecret.tv
The ultimate point to be aware is that we are not victims, that we are powerful creators and that we do create our reality through our thoughts that are magnetic in nature and that our thoughts attract situations events and people to us.
The universe is not haphazard and is govern by universal laws. Gravity is a universal law. And is no respecter of persons. Jump from a tall building and the law of gravity will make sure that you fall.
Similarly, the law of Attraction attract situations, circumstances and people to you, whether you are conscious or unaware.
You are the one attracting positive and negative sitautions to yourself.
You can purchase the DVD at $29.95c exclude shipping or you can watch "The Secret" on broadband for US$4.95c
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