Monday, February 26, 2007


Generate revenue while you sleep post no 13

I briefly touched on the above topic in my 01 posting.

The above is so crucial that I would like to expand on it.

Do you find that you have very little time to do the things that you would like to do at the end of your working day? And your rest day simply pass by in a jiffy?

I asked around and looked around and noticed that the majority of the people are rushing to get things done, working overtime, trying to beat deadlines. There is hardly anytime left to take a breather. People are so stressed out.

Do you know why?

Dear readers, we are all experiencing a crisis of not enough time. In one of my earlier post I mentioned about time being our most precious commodity. Time, not money. We can increase money but we cannot increase time.

How can we increase money when time is fixed? Most people will take on two jobs to increase the amount of income.

Wrong Approach.

Yes, you can do that, but you will have no body to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Why? Because your body will give way. You will be a millionaire, but an unhealthy millionaire.

Dear readers, the only way you can increase the amount of incoming cashflow without sacrificing your health is by increasing your productivity.

How can you increase your productivity? By having a team of people that is helping you to achieve the goals that you want, at the same time you are also helping them to achieve the goals that they want.

TEAM: Together Everybody Achieve More. In a team, one plus one is not two. It is more. Because now there is synergy.

When you have a team, only then can you leverage. If you have no team, who do you leverage on?

When you have a team, then you can have the solution to your crisis of not enough time, because, if 99 people in your team can give you one hour of their time each, you will have 99 hours, including your own one hour, you will have 100 hours.

Through the above example, you can increase your productivity and at the same time you are also increasing your income, because, your incoming cashflow is not generated by you alone, but by many other members of distributors in your organisation.

And now, you have the solution to your crisis of not having enough money.

With one business model, we solve the problem of not having enough time and not having enough money.

Money Vs Time
No Yes What is the purpose of having time but no money?
Yes No What is the purpose of having money but no time?
Yes Yes The state that we want to be in. Subscribe now to start your journey to financial and time freedom. Thinking does not make you grow rich. Action does. Thinking is important, but thinking without action is a dream. Action without thinking is madness, a nighmare. Pays up to infinity level with a cap of not more than US$38,000 per payout per week. Plus no flushing and repeated yearly passive income every year as this is a paid yearly membership affiliate marketing program.

Monday, February 19, 2007

What business are we in?


Have you ever thought what business are we in when we have a team of distributors in our organisation?

Are we in the selling business?

The answer is no. We are in the teaching business. Salesman do not require teams and therefore there is no need for him to teach with the purpose of cloning himself and multiplying himself.

Because we are creating an organisation, we need to teach. Teach what? Teach how to do what we are doing. Teach people, attitude, discipline, persistence, determination, leadership.

Yes, we have products, but the products do not represent our business, the products are a given. Must be good and unique.

We are in the business of people teaching people. Leaders creating leaders.

Is it strange than that I am promoting SKYQUESTCOM? After all, there are so many leaders and gurus online that we can all learn from, so that we become a good leaders?

No. It is very appropriate. SKYQUESTCOM. AWESOME COMPANY.

The true nature of our business is that we are in the business of identifying leaders, grooming leaders and creating leaders.

The quality of the people in our team and organisation is dependent on the quality of the person who leads the team until a new leader is created, who then pass the baton to the next leader created.

We are actually in the business of leaders creating more leaders.

You cannot create more leaders if you yourself are not a leader.

If you are already a leader, that is excellent.

If not, go to and subscribe now.

When you subscribe, you have access to all skyquestcom range of products and whether you wish to promote the affiliate membership program is for you to decide. Meanwhile, you can start benefiting from the rich materials online that can help you to be a leader yourself.

By the way, what is your definition of a leader? There are many.

One definition is that a leader is someone others look up to and is willing to be led and influence by this person. You can also say that a leader has followers.

Traits of a leader by Dr Joe Rubino.

  • Leaders have a clear and compelling vision
  • Leaders execute bold action plans that moves their lives and business in a forward manner
  • Leaders posses an unshakable belief in their ultimate success and in the success of those who join them in partnership
  • Leaders display a transparent authenticity and attitude of service that endears them to those who partner with them
  • Leaders empower others to step into a leadership role at every opportunity.

True Leaders are actually effective yet humble, because they realise that they are here to serve.

Why I prefer not to run my own business and be a distributor of intellectual information


Why I prefer not to run my own business and be a distributor of intellectual information.


I used to run a restaurant.

And now I have a counselling practice. Not a great way to generate revenue as I am still trading time for money, and trading time for money is one of the worse way to generate income. Although I must say that I am doing it because I love to help people. Having said that, I do not have freedom, as the moment I stop seeing clients, my income stops. I need to find another way.

(I am doing counselling now more because of my desire to help people, rather than to generate revenue. The explanation will be more clear when you read all the way to the end of this post).

And I used to be an employee.

So I have tasted the employee quadrant, the self employed quadrant. I didn't like it.

As an employee I had no freedom to decide where I work, when I work, how I work and with whom I work. I was at the mercy of my employer.

As a self employed, the business was owning me instead of me owning the business. Running the restaurant was sheer hard work and took up so much of my time, leaving me with no balance in my life. Remember, the key is balanced.

I need to find a way where I can work smart and not just work hard. Isn't that the buzzword now? Work smart, not work hard.

In mid 2004, I was introduced to Robert Kiyosaki cashflow quadrant. I fell in love with it. It made so much sense. I wished I had known about Robert Kiyosaki cash flow quadrant earlier, thereby saving myself from having to go through so many unnecessary hardships. (Since I have benefited from Robert Kiyosaki's cash flow quadrant, do you think there are many people out there who are looking but are not aware? I believe so).

Anyway, I think that sometimes in life, we need to go through what we do not want so that we have more clarity about what we truly want.

When we have tasted how sour a lemon is, from that experience, we know that we will not want to taste the sour lemon again in the future.

Whatever experiences you are going through is perfect, and is necessary for you to decide henceforth in which direction you should go, based on the conclusions that you have formed from the data that you have collected through your experiences.

Life requires us to make choices and to make adjustments along the way. It is a journey of discovery. "Failure" is never final, and every situation is an opportunity for us to learn and grow.

Let me come back again to more reasons why I prefer not to run my own business.

When we run our own business, we may have to take care of:

  • Product Creation and Development
  • Patenting
  • Manufacturing
  • Costing/Accounting
  • I.T.
  • Planning
  • Administration
  • Legal Matters
  • Public Relations
  • Government Relations
  • Warehousing
  • Shipping
  • Training
  • ???

Remember what I mentioned earlier about working smart and not working hard?

If we want to work smart and not work hard, we must find a system where all of the above is not done by us. And the only thing that we have to do is INTELLECTUAL DISTRIBUTION.

As far as I know right now, the only way we can do that right now is by being a distributor with a company that is doing all of the above except sales and marketing, meaning the sales and marketing aspect is done by the distributor, by me, with an opportunity for me to create a team of more distributors in my organisation so that I can leverage on my team and the team members in my team can leverage on their teams and so on.

The CEO of Microsoft is leveraging on his VPs, on his Managers, on his Middle Managers, on his Supervisors, on his Workers. His VP's are leveraging on their Managers, on their Middle Managers, on their Supervisors, on their Workers. The Middle Managers are leveraging on get the message.

Leveraging is part and parcel of life. Bill Gates cannot run Microsoft on his own. He has to leverage on so many people.

The only way we can work smart is to leverage.

The only way we can increase our productivity without increasing the number of working hours is by leveraging.

Refer back to my post 01. If 99 people in my team give me one hour of their time each, including my own one hour, I will have 100 hours. My contribution is only one hour, but my total output is 100 hours. On my own I cannot have 100 hours. Impossible as I only have 24 hours, and minus working hours, sleeping hours etc, I hardly have 2 hours or less left at the end of a long day.

Do you understand what I am trying to explain about leveraging? Because if you do not understand, you will have issues with the people above you leveraging on you. Then, this business model is not for you. Stop reading right now.

If you cannot get over this concept where everyone leverages of everyone, you are not going to be happy participating in this business model and you are better off not participating in this business model. Remember what I mention earlier? That the CEO leverages on the rest in his organisation? Why didn't you object when he does that? Not only that, why are you afraid of being fired by him, when he leverages of you?

In the Insurance Industry, The Insurance Manager with a team of Insurance Agents leverages from his Agents.

In the Real Estate Industry, the Real Estate Boss/Managers leverages from the Real Estate Agents.

A parent leverages from the income of their children.

Are you comfortable with the concept of leveraging now? If you want to use this business model, get over it. If not, please leave.

In our business model of having a team of distributors, we can have many CEO's. In the Bill Gates business model, there is only one CEO.

In our business model, it is in our best interest that the distributor in out team outperform us and bring in more sales. We have no problem with that. It is good for him and it is good for us.

In the Bill Gates business model, his VP cannot outperform Bill Gates and take over his position as CEO. Why? Because there is only one position for CEO in his business model.

Robert Kiyosaki describes our business model as The business of people helping people.

Will I help the team of distributors in my organisation to perform better, when my welfare is tied to their welfare? Will I teach them everything I know or will I keep secrets because I do not want them to perform better than me?

The answer is obvious. YES. YES. YES.

I am now a distributor with two corporations. One is SKYQUESTCOM. A 7 year infocomm company rated number 7th by Deloitte in the Asia Pacific Region, growing at a phenomenal rate. Refer to my post no 06,

The other is a multibillion 32 years R&D MNC operating in 39 countries right now with an annual sales of US$2 billion.

SKYQUESTCOM is marketed mainly through the internet medium to anybody with an internet access and a computer. A global market.

go to to join. Minimal fee to get the franchise.

As for the other company, email me at mail to to find out more.

I am much happier now, as I decide when I want to work, where I want to work, with whom I want to work, why I want to work and how I want to work.

I Have choices now and most importantly, freedom. And although I call it work, it is not really work. It is fun.

I invite you to join me and experience freedom.

Do you think that I can have the time to blog if I am in the employee or self employed quadrant?

Hardly. I will be pressed for time. All the time, unless I change quadrant.

What are you waiting for? Those who hesitate are lost.

Every moment is a moment of choice and every choice either moves you forward or holds you back.

"Your livelihood in the years to come will be determined by the choices you make today, by the strategies you select for building your Information Age business. Those who choose to build teams of distributors will be taking a step in the right direction"

"I cannot suceed in creating a team of distributors if the people in my team do not succeed. My committment to the people in my team is that I will teach you everything I know to make sure that you succeed" El Solaris RP

With the preenroller, a fully automated business system, doing this business is so simple that even my grandmother can do it.



I just watched a movie titled CYPHER on channel 5.

In the movie a man was drugged without his knowledge and was fed messages through the eyes and hearing to change his identity.

What has that got to do with the topic of this blog?


That we are programmable creatures and that like a computer with rewritable disk, we can overwrite a new data over the original data.

That means that we as a wholesome being can be programmed with data to make us forget who we are and assume a false identity and be fed messages of fear, inadequacy and powerlessness.

Our inability to live an effective life is the result of two main underlying faulty messages.

At the root of our inability to live a balanced and fulfilled life is the twin message of:

  • I am powerless.
  • I am not lovable.

Our identity, our self image, our self concept, buried deep within our subconscious mind are the programs that are driving our behaviour and the results that we have as a result these programs.

To change our lives, we have to change the programs.

To change our programs, we have to continuously go back to our true identity, before our wholesome program was corrupted.

Whoa am I? I am a powerful being, capable of creating anything I desire to create and experiences. I am the power and the force, that mould universal life force energy to conform to my intention.


Harvard business school definition of a perfect product


What is a perfect product?

According to Harvard Business School, the perfect product must meet the following requirements:
  • 01. A product that everybody want
  • 02. A product that everybody want but nobody else has
  • 03. Priced to sell.
  • 04. Sold for a profit.

The perfect product is a product that everyone want. A saw is not considered a perfect product as not everybody want a saw. A pen is, however, based on point number 2, is not as there are many types of pen manufacturer on the market.

The perfect product is a product that everybody want but nobody else has. It other words, that product is unique as well as patented. No other company offers this product. The optimiser is a perfect product that everybody want but nobody else has.

Priced to sell. Just because the product is unique and patented does not mean that you can charge an arm and a leg. It must be priced reasonably.

Sold for a profit. If you have a product that everybody wants and nobody else has and priced to sell but is not sold for a profit, then it is not considered a perfect product.

Do you think that SKYQUESTCOM meets the above requirements?

A product that everybody want. Skyquestcom has a Children and Youth components, Adult Lifelong Learners, Relationships and Family programs, Master and Corporate channels, Language channels, Entertainment channels, Greetings Cards, Live Video Conferencing, Resource Library of 4000 ebooks, Motivational Videos Shopping Mall, as well as website available in English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bahasa.

A product that everyone want but nobody else has. Anybody else has? 200 online videos of many Gurus in one website with resource library etc with multiple languages website and voiceover in Japanese for Japanese who do not converse in English.

Only US$260 per year. Priced to sell? I say yes.

Sold for a profit? Skyquestcom takes 35% from any sales made. 65% go to the affiliate internet marketers. (Low production cost as no raw materials required example manufacturing televisions).

There is another company that I know that meet the above criteria.

The Law of Abundance


The law of Abundance is directly the opposite of the Law of Scarcity

Is there enough for everybody?. If you have more wealth does it mean that I will have less wealth.

Is it a zero sum game? Is the pie is only so much and that if you have more of the pie, will I have less of the pie?

If so, then is it true that if you are more healthy, I will be less healthy, after all there is only so much health available and if you have more health, I will have less health.

If we follow the argument of the fixed pie, then it means that if you have more wellbeing then I will have less wellbeing.

We all know that it is not true.

The human species is amazing. We are now using fossil fuels for our energy needs. And if we believe that fossil fuel is the only source of energy left for us, then it is possible that some people in power might invade another country and steal their fuel.

Before electricity was discovered, it does not mean that electricity was not not available. It was there all along. Electricity was not created. It was discovered.

And it is my contention that a different form of energy source is available right now, but mankind has not discovered the formula yet. Again, it does not mean that, we have to create this new source of energy fuel, we simply have to discover it.

The heat from the sun is a source of energy fuel.

Have you ever wondered what will happen to the oil companies if energy that is freely available from the sun can be harness for our needs? And what that will do to our idea of abundance?

Have you ever wondered if one day hydrogen can be a source of fuel, what that will mean to our idea of abundance?

Do we really do not have the ability to feed all the hungry in the world?

Can you imagine how much we can feed all the hungry in the world if every country stop spending money on defence, on creating nuclear bombs, on military research and on spending money on weapons of mass destruction?

Overnight, all the hungry in the world, in Africa, will be well fed.

We are a people at war with one another.

We have forgotten how to live in peace, to love our brother and sisters, that we are our brother's keepers, that the planet in our care right now is not just meant for us, but for our children's children.

We have forgotten how to see that we are all interconnected and that the welfare of one person is interdependent on another part of the world.

There is a story of a mouse who was in a farm. This mouse was eating food given by the farmer to a pig, eating food given by the farmer to a chicken, eating food given by the farmer to a cow.

The farmer decided to buy a mousetrap to trap the mouse.

The mouse was worried and asked the pig for help. The pig said that it is not his concern. The mouse asked the chicken for help. The chicken said that it does not concern him. The mouse asked the cow for help. The cow said that it is not his concern.

The next day, the mouse trap caught a snake. The farmer's wife tried to remove the snake from the trap but was bitten by the snake and became ill.

A neighbour suggested to the farmer to give chicken blood to his wife. So the chicken was slaughtered and the blood was given to the farmer's wife.

It was no use. The farmer's wife died.

A funeral wake was held and to feed the visitors, the pig was slaughtered.

More and more people came and finally the cow was slaughtered.

I believe you know the morale of the story.

That we are all connected.

A nuclear bomb was tested in the pacific. The earth trembles.

More fossil fuel is burnt. The Earth expereince global warming with floods and strange weather patterns.

A butterfly flaps its wings and another part of the world experiences turbulences.

If you have not watched the DVD "The Secret", I truly recommend you to watch. Inside this DVD is the secret to how you can create your reality and how we can create the abundance that we want.

Go to

The ultimate point to be aware is that we are not victims, that we are powerful creators and that we do create our reality through our thoughts that are magnetic in nature and that our thoughts attract situations events and people to us.

The universe is not haphazard and is govern by universal laws. Gravity is a universal law. And is no respecter of persons. Jump from a tall building and the law of gravity will make sure that you fall.

Similarly, the law of Attraction attract situations, circumstances and people to you, whether you are conscious or unaware.

You are the one attracting positive and negative sitautions to yourself.


You can purchase the DVD at $29.95c exclude shipping or you can watch "The Secret" on broadband for US$4.95c

How to have a lifestyle without sacrificing income


What a question indeed. How do we have a lifestyle while making sure that our income is unaffected?

Of course if you are super rich like Bill Gates, all you have to do is invest money to make money.
In other words, make money work hard for you. These people are in the investor quadrant of the cash flow quadrant.

For most people, they are working for money. They are exchanging time for money, trading time for money and if they stop working, their income stops. When they go for a long holiday, their income stops. If they are self employed, if they are unwell, their income stops. This is the employee/selfemployed quadrant.

The investor quadrant own their life. They have freedom. They have unlimited passive residual income.

The employee/self employed quadrant own a job. They do not have freedom. The minute they stop working, their income stops. They have linear and limited income.

They cannot increase their income because to do so, they must increase the number of hours in a single day, and we all know that time is not something you can increase. Refer to my post no 05. We can increase productivity but we cannot increase time. Time is fixed.

So we come back to the question how do we continue to have a lifestyle without sacrificing our income?

It is very simple actually.

Start finding ways where your income is not dependent on your personal activity or output.

Do you have a team? if you do not, you are alone and you do not have leverage.

If you have a team of people who duplicate what you are doing, very soon your organisation will multiply and very soon it will have a momentum of its own and very soon you can go on a long holiday without having to supervise your team because they are are self sustaining as well as self funding as well as self managing.

It is like a pair of rabbits who continue to multiply and the four continue to multiply and so on and after a while it is no longer possible to tell them to stop multiplying because they all have a will of their own.

The first McDonald does not have to supervise the 900 McDonald. Even though the 900 McDonald is a clone of the first McDonald, the 900 McDonald is a self sustaining organism and very self reliant and does not require the involvement of the first McDonald to continue its operation.

Do you have a team of dsitributors or affiliate marketers in your organisation?

If not, why not?

Dont't you think it is something simple that you can do?

After all we are not talking about forking out huge sums of money in the thousands, we are not talking of US$260,000, we are not talking of US$26,000, we are not talking of US$2,600, we are talking of US$260 per year, which works out to US$0.70 cents per day,

Or a can of coca cola a day. This is absurd !

If you do not know what I am referring to please read my post no 06.

You can have a lifestyle without sacrificing your income which is even better than owning a McDonald franchise, and that is by creating a team of affiliate marketers.

Why will these team of affiliate marketers continue to build their teams? Because

  • They also understand the need to leverage
  • They also want a lifestyle without sacrificing their income
  • They know that owning a business means that the business owns them and therefore that option is not viable after all, unless they want to be working for a system
  • They know that for affiliate marketing system, the system is working for them. Technology is working for them.
  • They know that the only way they can overcome the problem of not enough time is by having a team that they can leverage on.
  • They want a balanced life where spending quality time with their loved ones is very important compared to just working for money.
  • They know that if they could not work tomorrow, their income will not stop as thay are prepared with the team of affiliate internet marketers that are in their team building their teams.
  • They value freedom versus security and living from paycheck to paycheck.
  • They value this business of people helping people. This is the people's franchise where it is not necessary to fork out huge sums of money. This is a business where it is better to have 0.01cent from I million people than $100 from 200 people.

If you are still unclear about what I am recommending please read post no 06.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Business is all about system


I am an entrepreneur, and I believe that besides having an excellent product, the fastest way to expand one's business is the availability of a business system.

Let me explain.

Business is all about systems, especially when we are talking about expansion and growth.

"To be successful, you need to be in a business where there is a system" Robert Kiyosaki.

Look at McDonald. What is McDonald's actual product? Burgers? No. I have tasted better burgers.

Real estate? Yes also.

McDonald is primarily about system.

What we call a turnkey system.

That means turn the key and start the engine.

When one buys a McDonald franchise, one is buying a system. Every conceivable start up business problem has been looked into and solved, which means that one is buying a system that works ! Not only that, one is saving time and money, and all the stresses and headaches from having to figure out every little thing. What is the value of such a system? Priceless.

Is it important to buy a system that works?

You bet.

Imagine buying a car that will not start. It is pointless.

In a McDonald outlet, every set up is similar. The location of the french fries, the orange juice, the cash register etc.

Why? So that the staff do not have to waste time looking for things and focus more on other important things. Remember speed is essential for a fast food joint.

Staff A can perform instantly if staff A is transferred to another McDonald branch, because, the set up is the same. What does this translate into in terms of productivity? Increased efficiency and productivity. Especially if we are talking about fast (speed) food, this is critical.

Time equals money. Simple system equals faster growth. Faster growth equals more yield.

Speed is dependent on simplicity. Complicated things require more time.

Complicated things can be made simple through the creation of a business system, where every single step has been figured out, meaning we do not have to reinvent the wheel.

Every McDonald outlet is a clone of the first outlet.

This is called multiplication through duplication.

Have you ever wondered how your cells multiply?

It is called mitosis. Is it simple or complicated? Elegantly simple.

One divides into two and two divide into four and four divide into eight and so on. Every cell is an exact copy of the original cell. And that is how McDonald has been able to grow so fast.

You can expect the same thing at every McDonald outlet, right down to the way the staff greet you.

A real no brainer.

Have you ever wondered how is it that McDonald, a multibillion dollar organisation are run by teenagers and retirees?

That's right. Teenagers and retirees are running multibillion dollar organisation.

All because of a system. A no brainer system.

What options do you have if you do not have one million dollars to buy a McDonald franchise?

Does it mean that all is lost?

Worry not. Because there is a company that not only has a system, but a fully automated system, a system that is even better than McDonald and can run on autopilot even if you are away on a long holiday.

This company is called SKYQUESTCOM.

A company ranked by Deloitte as the number 7th company in the Asia Pacific region as the fastest growing IT company.

Deloitte is a company that analyse, measure and recognise the top 500 fastest growing technology company in Asia Pacific.

SKYQUESTCOM is a seven year old company that constantly strives to help individuals at personal and organisational to achieve success providing the best training aids through the use of infocomm technology. With the advent of technology, learning is made easier and at great convenience.

SKYQUESTCOM conducts online seminars to individuals including Secrets of the Rich by Robert Kiyosaki best selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Business Strategies by Jay Abraham, a Marketing Guru, The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy, Authority in Sales, and many other Gurus such as Anthony Robbins, Dennis Waitley etc.

And SKYQUESTCOM has that, and more. SKYQUESTCOM is ranked number 7th. Bharti, a company from India, is ranked 23, and Alibaba from china is ranked way below.

SKYQUESTCOM offers live video conferencing twice a month, 200 online video seminars (internet video is very hot right now, look at you tube), Kids and Youth programs, Chinese and English learning channels,a resource library comprising of 4000 ebooks, entertainment channel and a shopping mall offering many DVD's and audio CD's on personal development.

The above is valued at US$100,000.

At a fraction of the cost, at the price of a can of coca cola a day, or US$0.70c a day,

you can access to all of SKYQUESTCOM product, including the fully automated business system called a preenroller, reseller's right to market SKYQUESTCOM products, the business sales and commission tracking system,and the multilanguages features of SKYQUESTCOM websites that can cater to a Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Mainland Chinese, and Bahasa Melayu.

On top of that, you will have your own personalise webpage with your own name on it, so that when people subscribe through your webpage, they will be added to your team.

All this for the price of a can of coca cola a day. What a bargain!

What you need to know is that, with the preenroller, the system works for you. You are not working for the system. You are not a slave to the system. That is critical for me to point out as one of my core values is freedom, and with the fully automated system that we have, the system works for us and not the other way round.

All of the above for only US$260, or the price of a can of coca cola. And you can start earning from day one.


SKYQUESTCOM is an affiliate online internet marketing membership program. What this means is that whenever someone you introduce to SKYQUESTCOM joins your team, you are paid US$22. Whenever you have eight people who join your team, either directly through you or indirectly through the members of your team, you are rewarded with an additional US$165. And when you have another eight, you are again rewarded with an additional US$165.

Up to infinity level. However, to make sure that SKYQUESTCOM stays in the black, there is a ceiling on each payout per week, and it is not more than US$38,000.

Since SKYQUESTCOM is a paid membership online program, whenever someone in your team renews his membership, you receive repeated residual income, year after year.

Do you understand how this can be a huge amount of passive residual income for you? Year after year?

And all this for the price of a can of coca cola a day! This is absurd!

Why would the people in your team renews their SKYQUESTCOM membership? Because they are lifelong learners and also if the do not renew, they will lose all the revenue from the people in their team. Does it make sense to renew their membership? Absolutely.

In my second month of joining SKYQUESTCOM, I not only have recovered back my investment of US$260, I made a profit of an additional US$290. And I am looking forward to generating more passive income as I also share with others how they can benefit from SKYQUEST lifelong learning programs.

And all this for the price of a can of coca cola a day ! This is absurd !

By the way, who subscribe to SKYQUESTCOM? Lifelong learners, CEO's, Trainers, Teachers, Students, Internet Marketers, Sales Professionals, Seminar goers.

Who are our customers? Anybody with access to a computer and an internet connection.

Our market is unlimited. And our business is border less, opens 24/7 through our website presence on the internet, always close but never close, no staffing required (online shopping cart, online payment system).

It is no longer a dream for you to be sleeping and make money as other people from other timezone joins you through your website and by doing so deposit money into your bank account.

And all this for the price of a can of coca cola a day ! Really absurd !

SKYQUESTCOM gives you the opportunity to generate income passively, to create residual income.

Definition of residual income:


Would you like that?

If so, then the time for thinking is over.

Because you cannot think and grow rich.

Thinking cannot make you grow rich.


You cannot satisfy your hunger by looking at the food.

You have got to sink your teeth onto the burger and bite it!!!

That is the only way, you are going to get what you want.

Further more, there is a 10 days money back guarantee.

You have nothing to lose, but every time you wait, others are grabbing the opportunity.

Fortune favours the bold

Those who hesitate are lost.

And for the price of US$0.70c a day, or a can of coca cola per day, you can start building your fully automated business system that even Brian Tracy endorses, compared to a million dollar to buy a McDonald franchise. This is absurd !

"I have taught people in 45 countries, and I have taught more than 4 million people, and what I have found is that there is a revolution in the world of training today and it is the internet. By using SKYQUESTCOM, what you can do is, you can learn subjects that before you would have to travel a great distance or pay a large amount of money for and you can learnt them when it is convenient for you. AND SKYQUESTCOM IS ONE OF THE BEST RESOURCES IN THE WORLD TODAY TO HELP YOU LEARN THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL, TO MAKE MORE MONEY AND TO HAVE A BETTER LIFE." Brian Tracy, Sales Guru.

And all for the price of a can of coca cola a day. This is absurd !!!


What is the next step?

The next step is just to take the next step.

Go to,veryrich NOW!!!

and click on the top left hand button that says SUBSCRIBE NOW.

I have introduced many friends to skyquestcom and I always tell them one thing.

One day, you are going to thank me profusely for introducing you to skyquestcom.

Go to NOW !!!

I would like to wish the five pillars of health. A healthy body, a healthy mind, a healthy family, a healthy society and a healthy finances.

Go to NOW !!!

Our most precious commodity


Our most precious commodity. What is it?

It will be different to different people.

If you ask me, to me, it is time. TIME IS MY MOST PRECIOUS COMMODITY.

We have a life span, a shelf life, x number of years, hours and seconds.

Because we have an expiry date, certain things that we would like to achieve, have to be achieved before the expiry date.

The problem is that we do not know exactly when we will expire. And therefore, we might postpone doing certain things because we think that we have a lot of time.

If you know exactly when you have to be at a certain place, it is very likely that you will be there at the appointed time, barring some unforeseen circumstances.

If you have a plane to catch and you know very well that the plane will not wait for you if you are late, what is the likelihood of you missing the plane? Zero.

We are more effective at producing results when we have a deadline. A deadline pushes us to take action before the deadline, because once we go beyond the deadline, we will be penalised, and if we cannot afford to be penalised, we will do something to avoid being penalised.

A classic example is a parking coupon that is about to expire in 5 minutes. You have parked your car, and you have not finished your shopping. You are faced with a choice. To continue shopping and be fined for not displaying a valid parking coupon or to stop shopping and walk back to your car and display another coupon.

Can you see how we are motivated by deadlines?

Another example is a favourite TV program you will not be caught missing. I will bet my last dollar that you will be sitting in front of the TV before your favourite program starts. How can I be so sure? Because when we want something badly, we will find a way. We will even create a way.

My contention than is that if you have not achieved what you wanted, it is because you do not want it badly enough.

Worth repeating.


What are your goals?

Do you have deadlines with regards to your goals?

Who will penalise you if you do not achieve your goals by certain deadlines? will you let yourself off the hook if you go beyond your pre set deadline?

Are you going to hold yourself accountable?

If you have no self discipline, what kind of methods can you create to make sure that a deadline can be a positive motivating factor?, since there is very little likelihood of you penalising yourself.

Bottom line is, managing yourself is not for people who do not have self discipline.

Having goals is wonderful. But not having deadlines for your goal is pointless.

Have you set a deadline for your goals?. If yes, what are the penalties if you do not achieve your goals by the set deadline?


Saturday, February 17, 2007

The triangle of Time, Money and Health


Do you love to travel?

I have yet to find someone who says no. We all love to travel the world.

In order to travel the world, we require three critical elements.

01. Time
02. Money
03. Health

Let's say you have time and money, but no health, can you travel? Unless you consider travelling in a plane on a wheelchair or on a stretcher travelling, the answer is definitely no. To travel, your knee joints must be working properly, including many other parts of your body working in good condition.

Let's say you have time and health, but no money, can you travel? Unless you have a sponsor or sugar daddy, the answer is no.

Let's say you have money and health, but no time (the business that you own actually owns you), can you travel? The answer is a no no.

Dear friends, unless you have all three ctitical elements, you cannot travel.

Do you want to have all three critical elements?

What will happen to your income if you are unable to work tomorrow?


Yes. What will happen to your income if you are unable to work tomorrow? And it could be due to some physical or health challenges or perhaps you were the victims of Katrina.

It could be a personal challenge or a situational challenge.

Or perhaps you were the victims of downsizing or automation or outsourcing or mergers.

What then? Are you going to cry and say how unfair the situation is? Or can you do something about it before any of the above occurs?

Do you have a plan B right now? Do you carry an umbrella in the event that it rains and it is important that the rain do not stop you from going where you want to go?

Do you have a contigency plan?

Is the welfare of your family and love ones important to you? If your answer is no, then I suggest you stop reading right now, because this blog is not for you.

Do you have multiple sources of income? Or is your income only from one stream through your employment?

If so, I am afraid you are ill prepared to meet the challenges of 21st century living.

The people who suffered from Katrina were very grateful for the cheques they received from their multiple sources of income.

There was a story of a doctor who was creating passive income by promoting nutritional products and he was asked by someone why he was promoting the nutritional products when he was already well off.

His answer: If something happens to my hands, can you imagine what will hapen to my income?

The person who asked suddenly understood clearly what was at stake here.

If you are an employee or self employed, is now the right time to have a plan B?

Have you ever thought what it would be like to own your own life


Have you ever thought who owns our life?

If we are at the mercy of our employers, definitely we do not own our life.

If we are an employee, our employer or any of their representative s are the ones who determine when we work, where we work, and how we work.

They decide which branches we work at, which country we go to, from what time to what time, overtime, additional assignments, dress code, you get my drift.

If we are not the one deciding where we work, when we work, why we work, how we work, with whom we work, what we do, then obviously we DO NOT OWN OUR LIFE !!!

Have you ever thought about why most people do not own their life?

Let's hear what you have to say and I will share with you what I think.

Generate revenue while you sleep


Do we require a degree to be rich and financially free? Robert Kiyosaki says no. I have nothing against education, in fact education is good, because we learn how to read and write, do additions and subtractions which are useful skills for our daily life.

However, when we ask for a loan from a bank, do the bank officers ever ask us for our degree? No, they ask for our financial statement, which represents our financial intelligence.

Does financial intelligence depend on academic intelligence? Bill gates is a school drop out and so is Henry Ford. Does that mean that Bill Gates and Henry Ford are stupid? I don't think so. One can be a school dropout and still be business savvy.

Have you ever wondered why people go to school? I ask the students in my city and they simply looked at me blankly.

What do you mean go to school? Everybody go to school. We do not ask such questions.

I prompted them to think what employers are looking for. And they still look at me blankly.

I said that employers are looking for people who have passed their educational exams and those who pass have a diploma/degree.

And therefore, most people, not everyone, go to school to get a degree so that they can have a job.

That's right, a job. People go to school to get a degree. With the degree, they apply for a job. With the job, they hope to earn a good enough salary to raise a family and save enough money for retirement.

Well not anymore. The era of the iron rice bowl through employment is over

Just like what Robert Kiyosaki dad recommends. Go to school, study hard, get a job with a blue chip company and earn a salary.

Have you watched the reality TV show the apprentice? Have you ever wondered why the contestants did not want to create their own businesses instead of backstabbing one another to be the Apprentice?

Granted that not everybody want to start their own business. But have you ever thought that these educated contestants are actually very bright and that they do not have to lower their dignity just so they can be the apprentice?

At the same time, I cannot be judgemental, because, before I came to know about Robert Kiyosaki cash flow quadrant, I too was sold on the concept of going to school, get a job and earn a living. I only became aware of the cashflow quadrant in 2004.

And to this date, I am very grateful to Robert Kiyosaki. He has opened my eyes and given me hope that I can move quadrant from employee/self employed to the investor quadrant.

According to survey, 96% of the population trade time for money or exchange time for money. Exchanging time for money is not the most effective way to build wealth as one has only 24 hours a day. No matter what, we cannot increase time.

3% of the population invest money to generate more money.

Only 1% of the population currently leverage time by multiplying their efforts through the efforts of others to create multiple sources of income.

The above are three different income producing strategies.

Paul J Getty said "I would rather have 1% of the effort of 100 people than 100% of my own efforts". What he means is that, to increase our productivity, the only way we can do it is by leveraging.

Imagine. If everybody from the 100 people above give me 1 hour of their time, I will have 100 hours. On my own, I can never have 100 hours. On my own, I only have 24 hours. Minus sleeping time, minus working time, minus travelling time, marketing time, getting ready to go to work time, breakfast time, reading newspaper time, reading email time, I hardly have any quality time left to spend quality time with my family, contributing my time to society as well as time for my personal and my spiritual growth.

I believe that the answer to the current crisis that is taking its toll in our stressful and busy life is to increase our productivity through the power of leveraging.

The only way for us to have more time is by leveraging on other people's time and the only way we can have more money without sacrificing our precious time with our family or self development time and contribution to society time is by creating passive income, residual income, residual reproductive income.

May I ask what are you doing to create passive income?

If you are interested to know what I am doing to generate passive income, please email me @

My name is El Solaris RP and I am an entrepreneur.

My core value is Freedom. Time freedom, financial freedom and wellness freedom (free from any debilitating illness, the main cause in my opinion is stress, be it mental, emotional, physical or financial stress)